Sunday, October 28, 2012

Toko Goes to a (n American) Football Game

It was wet. It wasn't too cold,
 but the crowd was wild and noisy
 - for an 8th grade football game!
Toko, well socialized little guy that he is (Thanks, Kim, for playing all those noise CD's!) had a great time. Everyone he met loved him and he loved everyone back!. Special treat - there were children there. He is a fine ambassador for dogs, puppies and Cardigan Welsh Corgis!
He did very well with potty in the grassy place behind the concession hut., but as we returned to the stands we were busted. No dogs allowed. I said, "but he's only a baby", and they let us stay, just this once, considering that it was the last game of the year
So Toko's saw his first and last football game from the stands. Next year - relegated to the sidelines.

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