Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rocky and Flower

This is Flower

and this is Rocky

Flower is expecting a litter - due August 17th. Rocky is the father.
They got together rather unexpectedly one day in June. The gardener let Rocky out while Flower was "ripe".
Breeder Kim was not too happy about it at first, but now it seems there was purpose in the "mistake".
You see, sweet Sapphire only delivered one live baby. It was very sad for all. I had fallen in love with that dog, but no Sapphire pup for me.
Now Flower has already had a litter of eight pups with Rocky as dad, so everyone is feeling optimistic. Click on eight pups and scroll down the page a bit to see them. My pup will look like these cuties! Look at Ouzo. He cracks me up!

Now I have to wait a little longer for my pup - until about mid-October. I'm happy to wait - mid-September would have been a scramble, what with all the other things going on in my life.
Regional Baseball Tournament (Grandson's little league team)
Alaska visit
Bristol England visit
Then - come home and get ready for my Cori Cardi (short for Cardigan Welsh) Corgi  dog!

Meanwhile . . .
Here's our Annicat, hangin' in the dog crate!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Naming of Dogs

We know the due date!  July 19th, plus or minus two days.

It's like expecting a baby.
Gathering all the supplies I will need.
Instead of reading "What to Expect when You're Expecting" I am reading "The Art of Raising a Puppy".
And, thinking about names. Just like with babies.

Writing lists of names.
Going on websites looking for names.
Talking to people about names.
Talking to myself about names.

Wooziboo (sounds like baby talk)
Teebow (sounds like TeeBone)

Current front runners:
Corriander "Cory"

Next post will probably be the birth announcement post,
Unless I get a picture of Parker the daddy.

Meanwhile, click on her name to have another peek at sweet mommy Sapphire

Oh, and can you guess what the cat is doing right now?
She's sleeping - what else is new - in the - new!- dog crate!
Now I have to worry about her feeling she's lost her bed when the dog comes.